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Well I don't know if there is really much about me that I can tell that will interest anyone much but I will give it a shot.
 I am a 28 yr. old pagan, basically I have created my own style of ethics to go on. I don't follow any written creed other then my own which is based on my life and past life experiences. I am not Wiccan but find much interest in the Wiccan path and their values based on their Wiccan Rede and Ancient Laws. They have a real value for what life is and I respect that. I am not considered a Christian because for one I do not attend a church and do not hold the exact same belief system as they do. I am not a Satanist, plain and simple I just am NOT! I am what one would like to call a Spiritual Witch who finds much wisdom in many paths. As an American with Native American ancestors I have adapted many beliefs based on thier values. I am a very spiritual person yet I have many interests as well. Some may call my fascination with Vampires "unreal or "sick" but it is my fascination and not thiers. I happen to lean towards Gothic type people because of all people I have met they are true to who they are and not manufactured. I have many friends who are Christian and they love me the same even though I am not of thier same faith, I guess you would call them "open minded" because they never try to convert me as you would say they just accept me. My husband is very much into Vampires and has no claim to his beliefs as of yet, he's just that way and I love him that way. I am a pretty happy person and very fortunate in many ways, I have over come some things in my life that has made me better today and more capable to help people in the same situations. I like to say that I try to help whomever, whenever and however I can.
Well I guess that is all..tends to go on to much..For those who actually managed to read the entire thing you are truly brave and patient.
My Blessings light and dark,
Lady Magick
Here is a picture of me by the way: