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Links to Interesting Things
Here are some cool places I've found here on the web based on my searches for anything strange. Yeah, I know I'm weird .Alot  of this will be based on fall time and or Gothic type things, fall because  it's the one time of year that people actually enjoy the true beauty of life. Dead leaves crunching under your feet as you walk in the light of the silver fall moon with the crisp cool air slowly blowing. I dunno to me it's beautiful..Gothic because I just think they actually have a grip on what life is about, and the fact that I am interested in many things Goth..I dunno why and I probably couldn't explain it..Any comments, suggestions?
My Love,
Lady Magick     
First are some great places to find Images:
Witch Way

Dark Images Gallery

Skull Haven
Really cool site with lots to do, go have a look through the web cam and watch The Queen Mary live..hehe  
Damn good site with loads of Vampire info on cultures and so on. Best I know of yet.
Dunno if you know of them but I like'em, very good band and if you look close enough there is a secret hidden in the site. :-)~
Just like the name says ya wanna find something about Horror check here..hehe.Pretty good I guess..

That's all I have right now...I'll update soon...
Blessings and Bloody Nightmares,
Lady Magick